h1. Documentation Team Meeting Minutes 2013-10-17 h2. Attendees Martin Bless, Xavier Perserguers, Christopher Stelmaszyk, François Suter h2. Budget * remainder of budget for 2013 (3'630€ = 66 hours @ 55€/hour) ** possible uses: *** finish supervising integration with typo3.org (links to docs.typo3.org, Apache redirection from old manuals to new ones) *** coordination of work between Xavier and Martin * budget submitted for 2014 h2. Official manuals * When do we create the 6-2 branch? Upon release. * As we work on manuals, we can drop the global list of Intersphinx keys and replace it by a local, most targeted list. * We can use references to api.typo3.org * Do not refresh screenshots before 6.2 beta2 as some skinning patches are still coming in h2. Documentation extension "EXT:documentation" * Merged into the Core, will be available in TYPO3 CMS 6.2 h2. docs.typo3.org * scripts must be harmonized ** scripts by Martin ** Flow application ** newer scripts by Xavier * Github repos for easier contributions ** Team account: \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation} ** First mirror for trial (TSref): \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Reference-Typoscript} ** François to write an announcement about it h2. Extension manuals * improved rendering * PDF rendering ** requires activation by the developer * translations support h2. typo3.org * TER now links to docs.typo3.org (in list view, should be upcoming) * integration with Solr ** not done yet. ** Martin to check with Olivier Dobberkau about status * redirections for old typo3.org links ? ** we know the structure of the current URLs and can have them redirect to the proper manuals on docs.typo3.org ** send 301 status, so that Google updates its imdex ** possibly during the T3O code sprint ** Not done yet, could be assigned to Fabien on the remaining budget (as mentioned above) * support for PDF link and list of available translated manuals ** Xavier discussed that with Thomas Löffler, should happen for details view in the few next days (at least on staging?) ** serves as advertisement for switching to reST ** Thomas plans to work with \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/manuals.json} to know which manuals/translation/pdf are available h2. Priorities Reminder of priorities defined early 2013 # extensions page improvements (done) # version switcher (done) # migration to ReST for 6.2 sysext manuals (done) # TER integration (partially done) # Flow application (ongoing) # Solr indexing h2. Miscellaneous * planning for a change in leadership ** François to resign at the end of 2014 * documentation@typo3.org: ** hoping for spam-filtering improvements by Server Admin Team ** otherwise propose to shut down ** Martin's proposal: redirect it to a Gmail address (at least temporarily) h2. Next meeting * Thursday, November 21, 2013, 21:00 CET