#Overview of Commenting Software for the TYPO3.org universe ##Requirements * The commenting form should be on the same page as the blog post / news. No redirect to the Discourse site should be necessary. * We need a subscribe function that allows the user to subscribe to a topic without having to post a comment. * Different themes for different sites should be possible. The theme should integrate well into the parent site where the comments are included (Disqus does that out of the box). ##List of tools ###Disqus + Provides everything we need - proprietary solution / hosted externally in the US Link: \url{https://disqus.com/} Example: \url{http://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/unternehmen/besondere-form-der-steuerhinterziehung-1.18641275} ###Discourse Link: \url{http://www.discourse.org/} basicly it is an api + an ember app; embedding opens an iframe with a form using the api. ruby based BE + emberjs FE can do notifications without commenting (watch), likes, threaded answers - but not in embeded Idea by Mimi: Discourse is an ember app with a rest API. we could use the api and build something on top of that. for that you seem to have to enable DISCOURSE\_ENABLE\_CORS env variable and set the cors domain in security settings, then maybe you can use the api HTML and css is written in the DB, there is a json export a problem on embedding seems to be that the topic is created on first embed on new identifier; so if you are the first to read the article you cannot see the comments/link to forum. idea: some refresh for the iframe ###Vanilla Link: \url{http://vanillaforums.org/} Example: \url{https://blog.vanillaforums.com/news/introducing-vanilla-comments/} Embed template is not really changable atm (besides CSS), so no possibility to add the bookmark link, upvoting or similar feature-rich but not in embeded and because embed isn't really configurable, it's not really for us. ###Isso Link: \url{http://posativ.org/isso/} Example: see above tried installation, breaks on nearly every step. doc says "creates db if not extists" but nothing happens ###NodeBB Link: \url{https://nodebb.org/} Example: \url{https://community.nodebb.org/topic/4087/using-nodebb-as-the-commenting-system-for-jekyll/2} * in default installation embedding is not possible * embed-plugin seems to work for wordpress and ghost - further systems can be requested by opening an issue ###Juvia - currently unmaintained (however, the forks on Github look to be active) Link: \url{https://github.com/phusion/juvia} ###Hashover - seems to be feature rich (TODO: compare against our requirements) - looks ugly by default. still a very interesting project! - poor distribution (10 stars on Github) Link: \url{https://github.com/jacobwb/hashover} Link: \url{http://moparx.com/2014/03/hashover-an-excellent-new-open-source-commenting-system/} Example: \url{http://tildehash.com/?article=firefoxs-inspector-tool-as-3d-modeler-seriously#comments} big nope on this one just by looking at the code. own encryption, settings.php to be edited directly and in every source file there's a condition to show the source. also the password is saved in a cookie (plaintext!) new topics are created as xml-files in a directory on the server ###Muut - seems to be a hosted solution similar to Disqus Link: \url{https://muut.com/} ###Spirit Link: \url{https://github.com/nitely/Spirit} ###see also Short overview of Disqus alternatives: \url{https://www.futurehosting.com/blog/three-alternatives-to-disqus-for-blog-comments/} List of tools: \url{http://bomagazine.com/wordpress/15-commenting-platform-alternative-to-disqus/} Our RFC at Discourse: \url{https://meta.discourse.org/t/disqus-like-commenting-system/35339} Forge issue (oooold): \url{https://forge.typo3.org/issues/44154} new one forum platform \url{http://flarum.org/}