h1. Documentation Team Meeting Minutes 2012-12-13 h2. Attendees Martin Bless, Christopher Stelmaszyk, François Suter **h2. TYPO3 6.0 release debriefing** * not much to say, we feel it went globally well * the docs.typo3.org was not advertised enough, but word is spreading now h2. Official manuals * meta data gathering ** possible as a Sphinx plugin ** would be written to a Yaml file ** Yaml file could be read by the Flow package * management of versions ** there's already a folder structure with versions ** add some navigation to switch folder ** keep in mind the request for an "archive", containing all older versions as PDFs * Flow and Neos documentation (no feedback => proceed?) ** source: \url{http://git.typo3.org/FLOW3/Packages/TYPO3.FLOW3.git/tree/HEAD:/Documentation/TheDefinitiveGuide} ** render to \url{http://docs.typo3.org/flow/TheDefinitiveGuide} * "local" navigation? ** still exists as a box beneath the left-hand menu ** move it to the top right somewhere, for example near the layout selector * request an update? ** follow the link at the bottom of \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/} * incremental updates ** use a ".. container:: outdated" to wrap a whole page or a part of a page, rendered with a CSS class (attention: the page or that part needs to be indented 3 spaces) * Old and outdated manuals ** stored in \url{http://git.typo3.org/Documentation/Manuals.git/tree} ** render in an archive section on docs.typo3.org with an "outdated" banner **h2. **typo3.org integration * coming up next: links to docs.typo3.org from the extension detail view h2. Next meeting François to define the dates for 2013 and post them to the mailing list