h1. Documentation Team Meeting Minutes 2013-01-17 h2. Attendees Martin Bless, Christopher Stelmaszyk, François Suter h2. Budget * none officially * one request by Fabien (decision pending, very good voting result) h2. Official manuals *status: ** Core APIs up to date for TYPO3 4.5 (except for some old chapters) * managing versions ** starting with documentation for TYPO3 6.0 to drop mentions of older versions ** in particular for class names, we don't want to use old class *and* new (namespaced) class names all the time => it would make the manuals unreadable * navigation to versions ** Check with Fabien for generating the menu based on the Flow application data h2. ReST * rendering of reference tables ** made a proposal for reference pages in the TSref of how to describe TypoScript objects: *** \url{http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-project-documentation/2013-January/004320.html} *** \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Functions/Imagelinkwrap/Index.html} ** this is a real improvement and should be propagated to all pages (of course, it's a lot of work) ** some adjustments are still needed *** one particular point would be to improve the styling of the properties headline so that they stand out better h3. More news from docs.typo3.org (Martin): * introduced a first version of an intrapage menu * dropped the "Administrators Guide", introduced the "Maintenance Guide" * added the "Installation Guide" to the list of guides: \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/Guides.html} * changed the wording in the menu (now TypoScript, API, ...) * moved the menu generation of the pages at docs.typo3.org to a single Javascript file * created a "What's new page": \url{http://docs.typo3.org/Overview/WhatsNew.html} * rendered a first version of Neos and Flow documents and informed those teams ** \url{http://docs.typo3.org/flow/drafts/TYPO3FlowDocumentation/} ** \url{http://docs.typo3.org/neos/drafts/TYPO3NeosDocumentation/} * fixed a bug in my "t3html" HTML builder. It crashed when "à" - like in Templavoilà - was used in a headline * helped Georg Ringer to publish his ReST documentation of the "news" extension: \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/news/} (which actually is in .../latest/) * had a longer Skype meeting with Christian Wöbbeking: He is working on the Templating Manual: \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/drafts/TemplatingTutorial/} * Christian brought the Templating Tutorial to Git. It is already rendered on docs.typo3.org. * created a flyout menu at the left of the HTML pages. Made an dark gray arrow icon so that the flyout menu is better visible * Started programming the Ajax version switcher to be placed on the HTML pages * Extbase and Fluid Book is now online and included in the menus * Started reworking the Extbase and Fluid Book h3. ToDo * place a robots.txt at srv123.typo3.org to disallow spidering of preview.docs.typo3.org and of srv.123.typo3.org * the TYPO3 Api should have a better interface for linking to topics * bring the search field back **h2. **typo3.org integration * the "Document Library" branch of the site now indicates that recent documents are to be found on docs.typo3.org h2. Next meeting * Thursday, February 21, 2013, 21:00 CEST