h1. Documentation Team Meeting Minutes 2014-01-16 h2. Attendees Martin Bless, Xavier Perserguers, François Suter h2. Budget * budget for 2014 fully granted * code sprint: in planning ** currently polling for dates: \url{http://www.doodle.com/7rbnchubkpyi3i9v} h2. docs.typo3.org * new design for the site ** related to glue pages ** good topic for the code sprint * a bug exists where symlinks are sometimes created in the "extensions" folder, where there should be none * Xavier helped Karsten render the Flow documentation properly as PDF ** not online yet ** just an issue with a special character to solve (related patch: \url{https://review.typo3.org/#/c/26833/)} h2. Solr integration * questions: ** what is needed on docs.typo3.org so that Solr can provide a faceted search into documentation again? *** list of documents? *** notifications about updates? *** specify the <div> tag which contains the content ** TER listing *** where is this information coming from? Who is responsible for it and how can we help making things right? ** TER detail view *** the link is always poiting to docs.typo3.org, even when documentation is not available *** ask Thomas Löffler => Francois does it ** search on docs.typo3.org *** facets per product (CMS, Flow, Neos) *** how can we use it? h2. Extension manuals * Xavier wrote a reST primer: \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/drafts/github/xperseguers/RstPrimer/} * could be extended with advanced stuff: ** recommended markup for extension properties: \url{http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/restdoc/latest/Configuration/TxRestdocPi1/Index.html} ** cross-link to other manuals * Example manual (\url{https://git.typo3.org/Documentation/TYPO3/Example/ExtensionManual.git)} should be updated to avoid duplication ** inform about possibility to use README.rst on Github h2. Priorities # Flow application (ongoing) # Solr integration ## TER index page: how is it built? who is responsible in the end? ## documentation facet search on typo3.org ## search on docs.typo3.org # Consolidation of tools and processes # Document all our tools h2. Miscellaneous * spam on documentation@typo3.org: situation much improved h2. Next meeting * Thursday, February 20, 2014, 21:00 CEST