h1. Documentation Team Meeting Minutes 2014-12-11 h2. Attendees Christopher Stelmaszyk, Francois Suter h2. docs.typo3.org * the Flow application and deployment of the new server could not be completed despite having a budget. Hopefully this can be completed in 2015, but François will not continue supervision of this project. h2. Official manuals for TYPO3 CMS * the matter with the "latest" and the "7" branch has to be sorted out. ** François to open issues related to the problems posted in the documentation list * it is not clear whether all changes referenced in the "core" system extension have been integrated to the official documentation ** probably not, given the number items ** actually changes for 7.0 are not visible in the "core" system extension documentation anymore due to all "old" ones having been moved to a "7.0" subfolder => François to propose a patch so that the table of contents contains at least a link to older change logs. h2. wiki.typo3.org * Christopher is working on the (major) update to version 1.24 ** things are going smoothly ** most of the work is about updating our typo3.org skin h2. Priorities # Flow application (ongoing) # Solr integration ## TER index page (done) ## documentation facet search on typo3.org ## search on docs.typo3.org # Consolidation of tools and processes (ongoing) # Document all our tools (ongoing) h2. Miscellaneous * Fabien may find time to work on nutch again, so that docs.typo3.org gets indexed by Solr. h2. Next meeting ?