#**underline# RabbitMQunderline** #### Teams ###### DocumentTeam #### Task: Render from GIT * MQ: documentation-git * VHOST: documentation * Informations: Package, Version * INPUT * Language: PHP * Worker: GIT Hook on Review.typo3.org * Command: UNKNOWN * OUTPUT: * Language: PHP * Worker: Documentation Server * Command: system('./flow3 document:**update** --package '. $msgbody['pkg']. ' --version ' . $msgbody['version']); * Status: In Discussion * Information: Hook change-merged #### Task: Render from TER * MQ: documentation-ter * VHOST: documentation * Informations: Package, Version * INPUT * Language: PHP * Worker: GIT Hook on Review.typo3.org * Command: UNKNOWN * OUTPUT: * Language: PHP * Worker: Documentation Server * Command: system('./flow3 document:**import** --package '. $msgbody['pkg']. ' --version ' . $msgbody['version']); * Status: In Discussion * Information: ter\_fe2/Classes/Tasks/UpdateExtensionlistTask.php:119 ###### Server Team #### Task: Migrate SVN to GIT * MQ: git-migrate-svn * VHOST: git * Informations: ? * INPUT * Language: Ruby * Worker: Forge Server * Command: UNKNOWN * OUTPUT: * Language: ? * Worker: Review Server * Command: ? * Status: In Discussion * Information: Forge Clone needed #### Task: Create new GIT for Forge * MQ: git-create-new * VHOST: documentation * Informations: ? * INPUT * Language: ? * Worker: GIT Hook on Review.typo3.org * Command: UNKNOWN * OUTPUT: * Language: ? * Worker: Review Server * Command: ? * Status: In Discussion * Information: Forge Clone needed #### Task: Update Forge Tickets * MQ: forge-ticket-update * VHOST: forge * Informations: TicketID, Message, [CommitID], [NewStatus] * INPUT * Language: ? * Worker: ? * Command: ? * OUTPUT: * Language: ? * Worker: Forge Server * Command: UNKNOWN * Status: In Discussion * Information: Forge Clone needed #### Further Tasks * Being able to run it as a task * Write a Python Version * Write a Ruby Version ( \url{http://blog.brianploetz.com/post/36886084370/producing-amqp-messages-from-ruby-on-rails-applications} ) #### Other Ideas with RabbitMQ * New Extensions: Translation * New Extension Version: Translation * New Extension Version: Zip File * Jenkins? ( need to know more about this! ) * get.typo3.org ( What need here to be done? Every new main version should be added? ) * Forge Team Members to Gerrit * Packagin Server ( need to know more about this! ) #### Additional * Simple PHP Solution: \url{https://gist.github.com/4242155} * Simple ExtBase Solution: \url{http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-rabbitmq} * PHP Daemon: \url{http://thewebdev.de/developing-a-daemon-in-php/} #### Monitoring ( TODO ) * \url{http://blog.thomasvandoren.com/2011/10/monitoring-rabbitmq-queues-with-zabbix/} #### Installation Requirements Python: * apt-get install python-setuptools * easy\_install pip * pip install pika==0.9.5 vhost * infrastructure * infrastructure\_dev user * review.typo3.org * svn.typo3.org * forge.typo3.org