#TYPO3 Server Team / Infrastructure Project Ideas for 2016 Deadline for sending the budget: 2015-09-11 Internal deadline: 2015-09-09 :-) For questions, contact Michael Stucki ##Project List **Updates of old servers (Lenny, Squeeze)** Several old servers need to be updated since long time. Make sure that this gets done until 2016/Q1. Added by Michael Stucki **Update Mailman to version 3.0** This was originally planned for 2015, however we won't have time to work on that yet. If anybody is interested in helping here, please contact us! Mailman 3.0 contains a lot of major improvements and changes which need to be checked first. For more information, see \url{http://list.org/} Added by Michael Stucki **LDAP Server improvements** Continue integration of new LDAP server (should be finished in 2015) on various sites that still use the Single-Signon service (www.single-signon.com) at the moment. Added by Michael Stucki / Bastian Bringenberg **HTTP/2 Support** Support HTTP/2 throughout all *.typo3.org websites. (NOTE: Nginx is going to support HTTP/2 officially somewhen in 2016, see \url{http://trac.nginx.org/nginx/roadmap} ) Added by Michael Stucki / Stefan Neufeind **Move notes.typo3.org from MySQL to Redis** We figured out that we have a problem with the mysql implementation of notes.typo3.org. MySQL is compared to redis very slow and this makes problems some times. ~20h to export mysql and write a script, that imports into redis Added by TODO **Centralize Logging** It is absolutely needed to centralize all logs to one instance of Kibana. WIth this we would be able to analyse problems over several servers and see if some problems happen just from time to time or just one time Since we had quite some problems with Logstash at punkt.de we could probably use Heka for this task - seems to be more stable: \url{https://hekad.readthedocs.org/en/v0.10.0b1/} Added by TODO **TYPO3 Installer (Vagrant / and or Docker)** Provide an installer for TYPO3 based on Vagrant or Docker and a continuous integration for automatically build such an installer from any current versions Added by TODO **Continuous Integration for Infrastructure Code** Jenkins configuration for continuously integrating (and delivering) infrastructure code, e.g. Chef Cookbooks and / or Ansible Playbooks... Added by TODO **Chef Community Cookbook for TYPO3 Setup** Provide a Chef Cookbook that automatically installs and updates TYPO3 on different platforms. Well tested and documented... Added by TODO **Centralized Wiki for the TYPO3 Server Team** I am not sure, whether this already exists, but it would be nice to have a single point of documentation concerning all TYPO3 infrastructure. Reading the slack channel, I (Mimi) could not restart a service or help out if some service is down due to a lack of knowledge which service is running on which server and what to do if something crashes... Added by TODO Note Stucki: Thanks, added all suggestions from above! **Call for suggestions is closed - the budget application has been sent!**