#Server Team Sprint November 2016 Joined sprint together with the TYPO3.org Relaunch Team. ##Links * Slack channel: #serverteam-sprint - \url{https://typo3.slack.com/messages/serverteam-sprint/} ##Date November 11th - 13th, 2016 Start: Friday 12:00 End: Sunday ~16:00 ##h2. Location The meeting takes place at Universität Würzburg Informatikgebäude (M2) Am Hubland 97074 Würzburg Room A205 (top floor) \url{http://www.mathematik-informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/sonstiges/anfahrt\_und\_lageplan/institut\_fuer\_informatik/} \url{http://maps.google.de/maps?q=49.781139,9.973213} Parking: * You can ignore the signs that the parking lot is only for staff members. You will not be towed away. Transportation to the University: * From "Busbahnhof" (exit main station to the right) * Bus 14, exit at Mathematisches Institut (16min) or * Bus 114, exit at Universitätszentrum (19min) or * Bus 214, exit at Hubland/Mensa (14min) * Buy a "6er-Ticket" in the bus for 12,75€. Can be shared by multiple persons ##h2. Hotel We booked 6 double rooms at the following hotel: \url{https://www.booking.com/hotel/de/hotelresidence.de.html} Transportation to the University: * Barbarossaplatz, Bus 14, leaves every 20min * Exit on stop "Mathematisches Institut" after 12min ride * Buy a "6er-Ticket" in the bus for 12,75€. Can be shared by multiple persons ##h2. Participants **Hotel needed:** * Andri Steiner (Fri 15:00 - Sun ~ 13:00) * Michael Stucki (Fri 12:00 - Sun 15:30) * Andreas Beutel (Fri 12:00 - Sun 15:30) * Patrick Oberdorf (Fri - Sun) * Bastian Bringenberg ( Fri - Sun ) * Thomas Löffler (t3o) (Fri 12:00 - Sun 8:00) * Stefan Busemann (t3o) (Fra 23:00 - Sun 12:00) * Marco Seiler (t3o) (Fri 12:00 - Sun 12:00) * Sebastian Diez (t3o) (Fri 15:00 - Sun 12:00) * Sascha Schmidt (t3o) (Fri 15:00 - Sun 12:00) * you? Feel free to join us, if you have an interest in contributing to TYPO3 infrastructure. Travel costs will be covered. Contact via admin(at)typo3.org **No hotel room needed:** * Steffen Gebert * Andreas Wolf (will come Sat morning and leave Sat evening) * beware, the building is closed and has no bell. Please ping/call us, once you're here! ~stg * Sascha Graef **Unknown / confirmation needed:** * **Absent:** * Michael Lihs * Dennis Nippold ##h2. Agenda ###h3. Server Team * Redmine * Setup test server for updated version of forge.typo3.org * LDAP * Finish LDAP server * Use LDAP server as SSO for *.typo3.org etc * Gerrit move to new infrastructure * KVM golden image * Team meetings now every 2nd Friday at 16:00 h4. DONE * internal mailrelay: mailrelay.typo3.org port 25 * Docker cookbook: add apt source, install packages * adjust SPF record * Gitlab git-t3o.typo3.org * LEMP Stack: t3-base Chef cookbook, Puppet website module ###h3. TYPO3.org Relaunch Trello Board: \url{https://trello.com/b/93ErOqFA/typo3-org-relaunch-2017} * TER * Move TER out of typo3.org into a subdomain * Integrate Solr for TER installation * Raise TYPO3 version of TER installation * Planning sprints for 2017 * Build a deployment for typo3.org (GitLab CI?) * Connect User Registration with LDAP * Evaluate survey * Create a list of needed functionality * ##h2. Open Questions ##h2. Next Sprints * Q1: \url{https://doodle.com/poll/2vnm2rbwf6xpxwk5} * Q2: \url{https://doodle.com/poll/r8zhxtrmy2htgbr9} ##h2. Report The report has been published on \url{https://typo3.org/news/article/report-on-the-server-admin-team-sprint-in-wuerzburg-november-2016/}