#Joint sprint oft the Design / Server / typo3.org Teams January 2017 Joined sprint of the Design / Server / typo3.org Teams. ##Links * Slack channel: #serverteam-sprint - \url{https://typo3.slack.com/messages/serverteam-sprint/} ##Date January 16-18 (arrival is possible on the 15th) Start: Monday 10:00 End: Wednesday 16:00 ##Location Check this Google maps for an overview of all locations: \url{https://drive.google.com/open?id=16ghltSPLphCdD9rkYlRbL54mXac\&usp=sharing} Beware that Basel has two train stations. The 1st station "Basel, Badischer Bahnhof" is operated by Deutsche Bahn. This may give you a cheap price if travelling from Germany. The other (main) station is "Basel SBB". The sprint location is right next to it. If you come to the hotel first, leave at Badischer Bahnhof (1st stop). If you come to the sprint location first, leave at Basel SBB (2nd stop). ###Meeting Location Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Universität Basel Peter Merian-Weg 6 CH-4002 Basel Link: \url{https://wwz.unibas.ch/ueber-uns/fakultaet/lageplan/} Room: Seminarraum S16 HG.39 **=> Important: **Do **not** google for Peter Merian-Strasse! Our location **Peter Merian-WEG **is somewhere completely different and can't be reached by car. Check the link above for more information. ###Hotel Hotel Stücki Badenstrasse 1 CH-4019 Basel \url{http://www.booking.com/hotel/ch/stucki.de.html} \url{http://www.welcomehotels.ch/en/stuecki/travel-contact/directions/} We booked 3 rooms for 5 people (each room has two chambers, so it's max. 3 per room) and 1 room for 2 people = 17 people. ##Transportation **Important: **The hotel will give you a voucher for using public transport for free. If you need that before registering at the hotel, get in touch with Thomas Löffler. ###Car See links above for Hotel + WWZ directions. Parking at the hotel costs CHF 16 per day! Parking at WWZ is most likely in the same price range. (I recommend to arrive by public transport instead.) ###Plane See links above for Hotel + WWZ directions. ###Public Transport **From Badischer Bahnhof to Hotel Stücki** From the train station "Basel Badischer Bahnhof" (German station) Bus No. 36 towards Basel Kleinhüningen Duration 10 minutes to bus stop „Stücki“ **From Hotel Stücki to the Sprint location** From the station "Kleinhüningen" Tram no. 8 towards Basel SBB Duration 20 minutes, stop at Basel SBB (Centralbahnplatz) At Centralbahnplatz, you can either walk 5 min. or take one of the trams 10 (towards Dornach) or 11 (towards Aesch) for 1 stop until station "Peter Merian". **From Badischer Bahnhof to Basel SBB** Take the train :-) ##Participants We like to start early (10:00) on Monday. Therefore it's also possible to arrive already on Sunday (rooms are booked Sun-Wed). **Important: **Let us know when you arrive so we can can cancel the unused rooms. Please write your name + date of arrival + date of departure: * your name + team (Sun 14:00 - Wed 18:00) **Hotel needed:** 1. Bastian Bringenberg / Server Team ( Sun - Wed ) 401 1. Ina Burkardt / T3O ( Sun - Wed ) 401 1. Steffen Gebert / Server Team (Sun late- Wed 15:00) 601 1. Andri Steiner (server team) Mon - Wed 1. Harry Glatz / T3O (Sun 18:00 - Wed 16:00) 501 1. Oliver Oertel / T3 Design Team (Sun 18:00 - Wed 16:00) 501 1. Marco Seiler (t3o) Sun 20:34 - Wed 13:00 601 1. Thomas Löffler (t3o) Sun - Wed 14:27 501 1. Jonathan IROULIN (community-fr / t3o) (Mon 11:00 -Wed 16:00) 401 1. Thorsten Griebenow (t3o) Mon-Wed 401 1. Tomas Norre Mikkelsen (t3o) Sun 22:00 -Wed 14:00) 501 1. Andreas Beutel (server team) (Sun-Wed) 501 1. Jörg Ems (t3c) (Sun-Wed) Staying til 16:00h 1. Martin Bless (docteam) (Sun 21:38 - Wed 14:27) 401 1. Stefan Busemann (t3o) Sun-Wed 1. Fabian Stein (Design) Mon - Wed 13:06 1. Michel Loew (Design) Mon - Wed 13:06---closed--- **Waiting list:** 1. Jörg Schweizer / Mon - Wed **No hotel room needed:** * Michael Stucki / server team (Mon 10:00 - Wed 18:00) **Absent:** * Sascha Schmidt (t3o) * Andreas Wolf (t3o) * Patrick Oberdorf (Serverteam - Remote) * Michael Lihs * Sven Burkert (t3o) Sun-Wed (Remote) * ... **Unknown / confirmation needed:** * Sebastian Diez (t3o) * Dennis Nippold * you? Feel free to join us, if you have an interest in contributing to TYPO3 infrastructure. Travel costs will be covered. Contact via admin(at)typo3.org **Screen needed / wanted** Due limited space, not all people can bring screens Please write your name and if you need a screen (desktop PC) or if you would like to have one (Notebook). * Oliver Oertel / T3 Design Team (Screen needed Desktop PC) * Harry Glatz / T3O (like to have) * Fabian Stein / Design Team (because it's stupid layouting for big screens on a 13 inc notebook) * Michel Löw / Design Team (because it's stupid layouting for big screens on a 13 inc notebook) **Who can bring Power adapters + multi-plug (Mehrfachsteckdose)? ** We will need Power adapters as Switzerland has different adapters than EU - who can bring some? * Stucki: 1 adapter CH/EU * Harry: 1 adapter CH/Eu and an eu multi ## ##Github Usernames Please add your full name and your usual Github USERNAME here in order to get access to writing documentation directly online. Can you keep the list alphabetically sorted? Thanks! * Andreas Beutel, * Harry Glatz, \url{https://github.com/randomresult} * Martin Bless, \url{https://github.com/marble/} * Michael Stucki, \url{https://github.com/stucki} * ... ##Agenda ###Server Team * Migration from OpenVZ to KVM (...) * \url{https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T8ZvpgnmJiQ5gB1MG8nitlZpMMYuYy5hQGOCRIHlby4/edit?usp=sharing} * Contact external people and ask for feedback * Migrate web applications: * Set up servers from scratch via Chef: OTRS * DONE migrate piwik, remove srv132.typo3.org * DONE KVM infrastructure: ensure connectivity via private network * DONE VEs on ms03 don't work, yet * forge.typo3.org * Redmine: Setup test server for updated version of forge.typo3.org (Michael) * DONE talk.typo3.org: Installation removed * New demo.typo3.org * Check options * DONE Web hosting setup * DONE How to use SSL for external domains (t3con16.eu)? proxy cookbook? External? Remove current workaround on srv124 (Andri) * DECISION we support names with *.typo3.org only * DONE remove t3con.eu from T3O infrastrucure * DONE replace with external redirect to t3con16.typo3.org * DONE Access logs remote IP (\url{https://forge.typo3.org/issues/79017)} * DONE Log rotation (\url{https://forge.typo3.org/issues/79237)} * DONE Webserver logrotate error (because parent directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation)x * DONE t3dd17 * Delete old and unused servers (srv151, ...) * Knowledge spreading * DONE How to add host to zabbix * DONE resize KVM VMs * DONE documentation * DONE add parted to default packages * DONE State of Chef CI * DONE Web hosting * LDAP * Docker Container * Documentation - DONE * Restore Documentation - DONE * Bash script to test if user is able to login and to modify itself ( eg birthday last check date ) * DONE Andi: OTRS intro, * DONE Zabbix Account for ani * DONE How to find server * Clarify * Use LDAP as AUTH for notes.typo3.org? ~bbringenberg * DONE Break something and have a post morgem ###typo3.org Relaunch * extensions.typo3.org * Testing * Templating * Redirects * Live-Going? * typo3.org * Finalize design elements for starting page * Migration concept for news * Create content and navigation structure for typo3.org (together with Design Team) * Navigation * Content * Connections between typo3.com (together with Jörg) * Starting page * my.typo3.org * Coding * Testing * Templating * Integrate LDAP SSO * Concept for community member pages ##Open Questions If you have any open questions, please contact Michael or Thomas on Slack. ##Next Sprints * Server Team Q2: April 7th-9th * typo3.org Team Q1: March 2nd-4th ##Report The report has been published on \url{https://typo3.org/news/article/report-on-the-combined-server-typo3org-design-documentation-team-sprint-in-basel-jan-2017/}