#h1. Server Team Sprint November 2017 Please use \url{https://notes.typo3.org/p/Server\_Team\_Meeting\_2017-11-24} ##h2. Date November 24 - 26 Start: Friday 12:00 End: Sunday xx:00 ##h2. Attendees Attending: * Andreas Beutel (no hotel) * Andri Steiner (13:30) * Bastian Bringenberg (12:30) * Martin Bless * Steffen Gebert (Fri 19:30 - Sun 16:00) * Stephan Großberndt (no hotel) * Xavier Perseguers * Thomas Löffler (no hotel) Not attending: * Michael Stucki Unconfirmed: * ??? ##h2. Location ###Meeting Location mehrwert intermediale kommunikation GmbH Steinfelder Gasse 11 50670 Köln Deutschland \url{https://www.google.de/maps/place/Steinfelder+G.+11,+50670+K%C3%B6ln/@50.9416684,6.9457867,17z/data=}!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x47bf25a809b3e29f:0x1f693bda249829db?hl=de ###Hotel tbd. ##h2. Agenda * Trello board: \url{https://trello.com/b/IyHBSwW9/typo3-server-team-sprint-2017-11} Collect your ideas. NOTE: There should be a Forge ticket for every task that is planned, so it won't be forgotten if something can't be finished during the sprint. * Prepare/discuss mail migration * Prepare/discuss forum migration * discuss status page ###Documentation * Document Docker container t3docs/render-documentation * Install pipline at Gitlab * Discuss Docker for server * Discuss what needs to be done for Nginx * Switch tool and cronjob that creates \url{https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/extensions.js} * Plan Database that holds metadata about existing manuals (= documentation projects) * Discuss contents of "packages" downloads * ##h2. Report Gerrit Upgrade / LDAP Docs Pootle Translation Server Kubernetes Donation: Alex Schnitzler