h1. 2019-06-20 Sprint Planning **h2. Todos:** everyone: - add your dates to the doodle: This expresses a general interest to participate. - (optional) add your name and a topic / task you would like to work on or add your name to existing task: - e.g. Review manual "Tutorial for Editors": Sybille, Anton **h2. Date** The plan is to use Friday till Sunday. Doodle for the date: \url{https://doodle.com/poll/2r2e4mhnvn3y47y4} **h2. Topics / tasks** **technical**: - global search integration - XSD Generation for Fluid ViewHelper **content**: - collect best practices for writing good documentation: Sybille - Improve ViewHelper Reference - PRovide Fluid Documentation **maintenance / cleanup** - check for broken links, add redirects **Communication** - ... see also Roadmap: \url{https://typo3.org/community/teams/documentation/} and open issues: \url{https://github.com/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+archived%3Afalse+org%3ATYPO3-Documentation} **h2. Information about Sprint** The sprint is open for **everyone** to work on documentation related tasks. These can be technical things, content etc. Travel expenses, accomodation, food will be covered. **h2. Location** werkraum in Karlsruhe: \url{https://werkraum.net/typo3-agentur-karlsruhe/} --- h2. Links * These notes: \url{https://notes.typo3.org/p/T3DocTeam-SprintPlanning-2019-06-20} * will be moved to Wiki after Slack call: \url{https://forge.typo3.org/projects/team-docteam/wiki/2019-06-20\_Sprint\_Planning} * Doodle for dates: \url{https://doodle.com/poll/2r2e4mhnvn3y47y4}