#Export-Script The script to move the data from PRODUCTION to STAGING/TESTING/DEVELOPMENT * Dummy data for behaviour tests (fe\_users) must be included * Remove person related data (fe\_users, members, certified integrators) * Include complete fileadmin * Remove files in fileadmin/ter/ due to space issues * Add (dummy) ter extensions ##Stages 1. Commit-Stage (after push) 1. phpcs 1. phpunit 1. Grunt 1. Functional-Stage (hourly) 1. Functional Tests 1. Acceptance-Stage (nightly) 1. Selenium 1. Behat 1. Guzzle-API-Test 1. Performance-Stage 1. Gatling #DEVELOPMENT Environment * Vagrant Box * Nightly / weekly build * No deployment scripts, but ready-to-run Box (e.g. with Packer) * Contains same system / infrastructure / versions as the live server * Build Scripts (e.g. on a Jenkins Server) * Anonymize databases (remove private data) (see Export-Script above) * Project Setup * 1 Git repository for the whole t3.org project * External dependencies via Composer / Git submodules * get the most recent state of the project with a single `git pull \&\& composer update` * Contents of the Development Environment: * Webserver * Solr * Varnish * RabbitMQ * NPM * Grunt * Bower * Compass #STAGE, TESTING Environments * set TYPO3\_CONTEXT * #New Production Server typo3.org/.com, my.typo3.org * note: [SYS]systemLocale must be available * Env TYPO3\_CONTEXT * #Wording Definitions STAGING: Former LATEST # #TYPO3.ORG \& .COM INSTANCE ##To be migrated - [ ] \url{http://svn.t3o.typo3.org/extensions/projects/t3org/t3o\_userimage/} - [ ] git://github.com/TYPO3-typo3org/ajaxlogin.git - [ ] git@github.com:TYPO3-typo3org/t3o\_ajaxlogin.git - [ ] \url{http://svn.t3o.typo3.org/extensions/projects/t3org/pastecode/trunk/} -> (in2snippet?) ##To be upgraded - [ ] \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-typo3org/t3org\_feedparser/} - [ ] naw\_single\_signon * 2.1.0 has been patched in ext\_localconf.php. This has been added: * // change for typo3.org: this file incorporates the configuration for the sso module including the SSL passphrase * @include('/var/www/vhosts/typo3.org/home/private/single\_signon\_extconf.php')- [ ] git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3CMS/Extensions/solr\_redmine.git (already imported into code-repo) - [ ] \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-typo3org/t3org\_flickrfeed.git} (already imported into code-repo) - [ ] git@github.com:TYPO3-typo3org/t3org\_spamremover.git (already imported into code-repo) - [ ] \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-typo3org/randombanners} (already 6.2) (already imported into code-repo) - [ ] \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-typo3org/cz\_simple\_cal} (already imported into code-repo) - [ ] \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-typo3org/amqp.git} (already imported into code-repo) - [ ] \url{https://github.com/kaystrobach/TYPO3.voice.git} (Kay plan to update the extension for TYPO3 7. For now it is added (temporary) via composer.) -> \url{https://github.com/kaystrobach/TYPO3.voice/issues/9} - [ ] \url{https://github.com/TYPO3-typo3org/t3o\_slack} (Plan is to make the extension compatible for 7 until it is finished for 4.5) ##To be installed - [ ] solr (installed "dev-master") - [ ] Snippets: \url{https://typo3.org/extensions/repository/?id=23\&L=0\&q=highlight\&tx\_solr%5Bfilter%5D%5B%5D=lastUpdateAge%3AhalfYear\&tx\_solr%5Bfilter%5D%5B%5D=lastUpdateAge%3Ayear} - [ ] linkhandler (core => core functionality already implemented. ext will be released soon. for TYPO3 8 this feature will get into core)