* Get the lastest fedora image from \url{http://fedoraproject.org/get-fedora} * Install it: * Use all stock settings (you may set keyboard, language, etc.) * Follow the instructions to create a user account. Make sure to check the "add to administrator group" option on the right. * open a terminal by pression super/windows or by moving the mouse to the top left and type terminal * sudo -s * #confirm with your password * yum update * #wait until update completes, this is not stictly necessary, but recommended, hint: add a second CPU if you use a vm before that step * yum install httpd mysql-server php php-soap php-mcrypt php-mysql php-gd php-pecl-xdebug GraphicsMagick git vim wget * #confirm with y, note: if you do not want to use vim, then you can always use gedit which is shipped by default * vim /etc/selinux/config * #change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=permissive and exit with :wq * reboot * Login again and open a terminal * sudo -s * #confirm with password * cd /var/www/ * git clone --recursive git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Core.git * git clone git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Extensions/phpunit.git * cd html * #download a dummy and extract it into /var/html * mv \_.htaccess .htaccess * rm typo3\_src * ln -s ../Core/ typo3\_src * cd typo3conf/ext/ * ln -s ../../../phpunit * cd /etc/ * vim php.ini * #adjust memory\_limit and max\_execution\_time and quit with :wq * #config for xdebug is in /etc/php.d/xdebug.ini * mysql\_secure\_installation * #hint: root passwort is empty/none by default * service httpd start * service mysqld start * cd /var/www * chown -R apache:apache * * Open Firefox and navigate to localhost/ * complete the install procedure * open the backend and install phpunit and required extensions * run core unit tests