# zu TYPO3 Camp Rhine Ruhr 2014 # ##TYPO3 CMS 7, 12 clock Mattes 7.0 Release in November Manager to Hannover Release Meeting then to Hamburg Code Sprint LTS Release Fall 2015 from LTS Release 7, then started with the Release 8 Felix Kopp: What we ask of an editor? Edit layer, input fields and save Mass editing layer, the List module 3. as on the website comes out level abstraction layer in front To streamline basic idea Journey Editors List of field service learning, often named as sys folder Storage Folder Management layer, there should find his records of Aussendienstler To draw to Toolbox modules together high adoption rate required, it must be easy to use Challenge: strong defaults, solve the same problem on 15 ways to cut this way, saves time be accessible for integrators Setting up a No Brainer must Ideas menubar, tree already pre-filtered Filter box, Result Grid, and hide fields with Module Configuration, by logical structure, in the Typo3 is configurable configuration Idea yaml file, located in one place has a name and is recognized there Register components Under the hood, the half rendering is exchanged Query Language Centre provide or TQL, filters can be provided for users Output from the frontend plugin due to the filter can then be displayed directly in the plugin lists are coming out in the front end, due to the filter module Delphi UI you can pull together all backend modules look identical from Dashboard wird angeplant, wird dann smartphone ähnlich aussehen Metrics and positioning of the apps clean tt\_content from not used fields, font\_color, font\_face fields are still in the database Header Typ hidden is a directive but not a header, flexform should be removed picture positioning will be reduced picture width in pixel should not be used anymore one third of the fields will be dropped, but there will be a compat extension image cropping, use aspect ratio to crop the image Code Sprint for FAL in January Clipboard will be changed 2 elemental problems, in the clipboard the uid is stored, if the whole record is stored you have templates Twitter Bootstrap in the backend new skin and new icons with a plan, many things will make sense in the backend now Workspaces will not be managed this year Lingo, how speaks the backend with the user, positive alerts are sometimes left and sometimes right guidelines how to speak with the editor everyone can participate is this verbose enough how the system speaks with the customer 3000 labels and messages in the core everything stays what is already in the core ## ##Gridelements Workspaces 12 Uhr Jo Hasenau ##T3Rookies 13.00 Andrea Kienast ## ##Extender 13.00 Sebastian Fischer extbase knows how to extend models forms have problems proxy pattern, the definition of the model is overwritten code cache im typo3temp/Cache/Code removes closing tags, php tags and adds properties of the extending extensions und puts it in the code cache you write your own model derive it from the original class and register it to the extender, the extender makes one class out of it in the code cache. every model is stored in the code cache automatically extender has to be executed before extbase to put the model in the code code cache evo web auf github example extension \url{https://github.com/evoWeb/ew\_sfregister\_extended} in the registration in the localconf i give the extension from where it is derived, the model which should be extendel and the extension where the extended model is located and the path to the extended class ## ##Jenkins 13.00 ##Elastic Search 14.00 Kerstin aus Schwäbisch Gmünd Setu GMBH digiparden based on Apache Lucene distributed you can add nodes multi tenancy, there are various indices (multi search) there is no scheme like in solr, schema free, stored in json high availability, conflict management build on top of Lucene Restful API, every programming language is possible simple but powerful full text search structured search (ranges, dates, geo distances) highlighting Analytics / Aggregations Java is required index is like a document or a database type is a database table in the index are the documents Use cases for elastic search: document store full text search cache logfile analysis analytics geo search Elastic search there is a company behind Kibana visualise of elastic search data marvel (monitoring tool) shield security for elastic search play norvegian elastic search hoster Suggestions Plugins: z.B head gui for queries Elastic Search with PHP uses libraries Elastica (object oriented, comprehensive) ElasticSearch (simple, object oriented) Elasticsearch (official, not object oriented) for Flow Flowpack, Elastic Search Mapping json documents on elastic search default field that i have to indicate when i create the indes \_ttl time to leave, when the documents ought to be deleted \_timestamp, stores the timestamp when indexing, example for sorting after timestamp \_id every document has an id \_parent for tree structures \_type under which type you find the parents who uses elastic search github xing stackoverflow hipchat soundcloud \_boosting stemming works for elastic search filters are cached, queries not ##Typoscript \& Stored Procedures 15.00 Elmar Hinz Extension esp Extbase Performance is a question Object Relational Impedience Mismatch relationale Modell into a object is expensive solution with a stored procedure, breadcrumb is the result depends also on the kind of developer typoscript was the first, later the database under typoscript TCA and then also models is a question of architecture manual for the stored procedures stored procedures more suitable to write something in the database typo3 is not really quick on views because of index problems two queries on the database, the first gives parameter two results first if the query was successful, second gives the result set also user\_int objects are very quick 6 classes for the stored procedures SQL Pro als SQL IDE for stored procedures ##Docomentation 11 Uhr Martin Bless sphinx Extension: Xavier Persequers Docutils sind komplett ungestylt Tools sind alle in Python restdoc bindet manual als typo3 content ein with restdoc an editing possibility in the backend after downloading the extension you have to download sphinx and enable the version docs.typo3.org, sphinx loads the archive manual in the typo3 instance, so you can also read it offline Github has also a rst file open office documents converts manuals in sphinx docs.typo3.org there is a place where you can convert open office into sphinx you can convert open office documents into sphinx also in the sphinx extension docs.typo3.org all extensions can be found there you can show there different versions of the documentation with directives you can enlarge the functionality of rest bloglists with rest ##Design Patterns, Norbert Sendetzky Singleton Pattern, ein Objekt, das ich nur einmal haben will, man will dieses Objekt nicht öfters haben Design Patterns ist nur eine Schablone extends Singleton or Singleton Annotation Objectmanager always instantiates only one class Factory i get back an object, but i dont kwow exactly what kind of an object, but you have always implement a factory with an interface changing parameters in an interface is a breaking change it has to be consistent and simple 2 types of interfaces, public methods and protected methods class variables protected is bad, better is private 1 class for one task abstract factory, class as manager or produce sub classes example for factories, separate caches another example is instance of database manager and data objects manager instantiates the data objects Active record: you have to be careful, data container und management in one class not so good rails has also active records, iit is fast, has also disadvantages decorator is a cool pattern, but the description is not good and clear the principle of an onion, class with public methods enlarge with subclasses is not good composition with dependancy injection, plugins encapsulate functionality for the enlargement of the injected classes interior object and outer object, outer objects sends public methods to the interior class is also a wrapper, decorator implements the same interface as the interior object in the factory you can also tell which decorators should be used a lot of depency injection has disadvantages, because you have to write a lot of things, better a container class important is also public subscirber, observer, listener #