#T3DD15 Media \& Notes * Nuremberg, Germany * General information: \url{http://t3dd15.typo3.org} * Archive: \url{https://notes.typo3.org/p/t3dd} ##Thursday * Chef, Vagrant \& TYPO3 - \url{http://michaellihs.github.io/showoff-presentation-vagrant\_chef\_typo3/#1} * Neos Introduction - \url{https://github.com/kitsunet/T3DD.Unicorns} * Getting started with test-driven development for TYPO3 CMS - \url{https://github.com/oliverklee/anagram-finder} * How to build a theme with the themes-extension * How to connect OpenSource Development and Management * Locking API in TYPO3 CMS - Why, When, Where and How! * Search explained - \url{http://de.slideshare.net/HansHchtl/search-explained-t3dd15} * Assets in the Cloud with Neos 2.0 / Flow 3.0 * Fluid Content Elements \url{http://www.slideshare.net/patrickbroens/fluid-content-rendering} #Friday * Load testing and performance tracing - \url{http://de.slideshare.net/HansHchtl/load-testing-and-performance-tracing} * The TYPO3 User eXperience Week - T3UXW - what it is, results of 2015 and plans for 2016 * Docker 101: from development to production and back - \url{http://dimaip.github.io/slides/docker101.html#/} * Making friends with PageSpeed and WebPagetest – Web performance with Neos - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/aertmann/making-friends-with-pagespeed-and-webpagetest-web-performance-with-neos} * The eye of the (php)storm - Lightning talk slides: \url{https://goo.gl/0MRMT5} - PhpStorm 42 Tips and Tricks: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9emzl\_VmIs} * T3Bits: On Stage Podcasting - \url{http://t3bits.de/t3b016-neos-splitting-from-typo3} * Security forensics - How attackers work, how to identify attacks and what to do when it happend - \url{http://de.slideshare.net/helhum/security-forensics-t3dd15} * Dawn of a news age - how to integrate basic news functions for your Neos site - \url{http://www.weissheiten.at/T3DD15\_DawnOfANewsAge.pdf} * Your CSS Code Needs an Architect - \url{http://dimaip.github.io/slides/cssarchitecture.html#/} * Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Behat - \url{http://michaellihs.github.io/showoff-presentation-behat/#1} * Government Package and other distributions for TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS * Automatic Load testing made easy with gatling.io - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/dlienert/gatling-dot-io-load-testing-made-easy} * Manage the business of your TYPO3 Business with pure Open Source * TYPO3 CMS Website templates as an extension - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/yabawock/typo3-cms-website-templates-as-an-extension} * Neos 2.0 * PHP at Google Scale - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/tpryan/php-at-google-scale} #Saturday * Creating diversity and awareness in the TYPO3 community - Workshop without Slides → Picture of some notes: \url{https://twitter.com/jkphl/status/622345807837175808/photo/1} * Neos – Importing / exporting nodes - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/kdambekalns/importing-and-exporting-nodes-with-neos} * Functional tests in TYPO3 CMS - \url{http://de.slideshare.net/cpsitgmbh/functional-tests-with-typo3} * Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) * TypoScript in Neos * How TYPO3-Themes works in detail * Playing well with others - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/lsmith/playing-well-with-others} * The future of grouped and nested content structures in the page module * Composer and the TYPO3 Universe * Neos/Flow Security 2.0 - \url{http://de.slideshare.net/netlogix/typo3-neos-and-flow-security-20} * Embracing eventual consistency - An introduction into event sourcing with CQRS - \url{http://akii.de/embracing\_eventual\_consistency.pdf} * TYPO3 Homestead - Effortlessly test TYPO3 sites against multiple PHP versions and HHVM * Semantic Annotations Within TYPO3 CMS * The Human Knowledgebase TYPO3 CMS * Page Speed Optimization step by step guide - \url{http://de.slideshare.net/MaritAG2009/marit-ag-page-speed-insight-100100-guide} * Neos - Search * Meet the new TYPO3 evangelists * Continuous Delivery - Patterns and Anti-Patterns (together with Helmut Hummel) - \url{http://michaellihs.github.io/showoff-presentation-ci\_patterns/#1} * Lessons learned in production #Sunday * TYPO3 CMS within the Azure Cloud * Several experience sharing from our projects * Using Content Dimensions in Neos - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/kdambekalns/sawubona-content-dimensions-with-neos} - \url{https://github.com/kdambekalns/content-dimensions-example-site} * Webscale hosting infrastructure with Puppet \url{https://speakerdeck.com/andristeiner/webscale-hosting-infrastructure-with-puppet} * Get in Touch with Python: iPython and Ansible * Puli: PHP's Next Package Revolution - \url{https://speakerdeck.com/webmozart/puli-phps-next-package-revolution}